Matthias Bühler:
“In my career, I did a lot of, wicket runs and, big advantage of wicket runs are that you can set it up like, you need it. So in the beginning it was 1.80m, 1.90m, between every wicket. We did wicket runs all year long, like with flats or spikes.”
Richard James:
“We start from tape on the ground, then we go into a little cone, and from the cone we move up to a three inch to six inch little mini hurdles. Those are ways we get to improve stride length and stride frequency. Now to be specific, my standard for some of my athletes is two meters.
I try to get them to have a two meter set up and, would have a 10 to 15 meter runup. Then from there, based on, I see from that I either reduce the width, or I increase the width of the wicket to increase that stride length.
If I want get real good stride length. I'm gonna open it up, if I wanted to get stride frequency. I'm gonna close it.”
- “There's that sliding scale between frequency and power. “
- ”Many athletes think that, ‘I have to have very good stride length’, like Usain Bolt, but, not everybody has the same body, not the same height. I think first you have to look that the frequency is pretty high.”
- “As you lean forward, your knee drops.“
- “I either reduce the width, or I increase the width of the wicket to increase that stride length. If I want get real good stride length. I'm gonna open it up, if I wanted to get stride frequency. I'm gonna close it.”